Monday, 28 June 2010

Adopt a Local Beehive Campaign

At the Lime Tree Trading launch, the "Adopt a local beehive campaign" was well received with many sign-ups. Since then we have had a local Secondary school request a beehive so they can put a webcam in it! I wish science had been that inspiring when I was at school...Angie is planning to go into 2 local pre-school's who have signed up to give a talk.
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Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Lime Tree Trading Launch

What an amazing launch we had at the Elham Valley Vineyard - thankyou to all those who turned up to listen to Angie & Sue giving the low down of their new business venture. It was great to see the first Adopt a local beehive supporters being presented with their goodie bags and certificates. After Angies short talk we ate specially prepared honey based cakes, flapjacks and fruit. Local wine made the evening a really "support local & sustainable" business evening. We sold alot of handmade ready to use lip balms, hand creams and lotions, some kits and beeswax blocks